If you are looking to buy a newsagency business, the following newsagencies for sale are updates on our website.
Mackay ID#5752627 , Asking only $180,000 + stock !
Making over $159k owners profit with over $61k of staff support to the 2 working owners
No home delivery. Drive up to the front door for easy customer access. Fabulous rent rate. Multiple 1st & 2nd Div lotto wins, LOTS of appeal here
Rockhampton ID#5727077 , Asking only $145,000 + stock
Making over $126k owners profit with over $36k of staff support to the 2 working owners
Lots of new updates including a successful online Gift presence. Excellent shopfit including latest GC Digipos image. Quality POS system. Lucky shop, CALL Today !
Sunshine Coast ID#5291913 , Now asking only $340,000 + stock
Making over $167k owners profit with over $110k of staff support to the 2 working owners
Strong retailing focus on rising sales in Giftware underpinned by massive foot traffic from increasing Lotteries trade. Major s/market anchour.
Central Gold Coast ID#5648992 , Now asking only $60,000 Including Stock WIWO !
Making over $56k owners profit to the 2 working owners
Popular drive-in convenience centre with parking right to the front door. Easy to run shop for a fabulous price.
For more information on any of these,
follow the ID# hyperlink,
send us an email from the advertising enquiry button or
submit a Confidentiality Agreement.