We sincerely thank all those that have contacted us already with their personal discoveries. Clearly QLD News approach this differently to News Ltd in the other states. And yet, presuming all things are the same is where issues like this can cost newsagents.
In talking to a few accountants yesterday, some were aware of the issue, some not. Those that were aware considertly said that for most small delivery clients, their billed time would be too costly for the benefit raised, and yet they had a different approach to assist their clients end of year compliance. This goes to prove that engaging a specialist in any industry should benefit your business.
We published the summary here yesterday. Click Here to view our Summary & Worksheet
And now, here is the link to the more detailed workings behind the discovery, and how you can also find if you have this opportunity to claim back GST.
Again, we remind that we are a Newsagency Specialist Business Brokerage representing newsagencies for sale, we are not accountants. Whilst we firmly believe that hundreds of newsagents could benefit from this knowledge, (legal disclaimer) we can not accept any liability cost or consequence on how this is determined or used in your own business.
We highly recommend that you consult your accountant with this, especially if you plan on lodging adjusting entries to existing BAS or tax returns.
We know this will likely take a bit of time to put together, but, over a few years, this could add up to a lot of real money you can get back. We think it’s worth your time to investigate.
The Brokers at Newsagencies For Sale sincerely wish you the best.