News Corp Australia announces outcome of newsagent remuneration review.
A little like the recently announced new commission rate for Golden Casket agents, in which a better overall single flat lotteries commission replaced a complex grid or subjective earnings, News Corp have adopted a simplier and fairer remuneration model for delivery agents. A category 1 or 2 (20c or 25c) remuneration replaces a previously complicated and diverse set of permitted fees.
Equally appreciated by newsagency business buyers & their financiers, News Ltd have re-introduced certainty, by providing Territory Agents with a 3 year contract. These new contracts start very shortly, and the new rates commence 17th March 2014.
This is clear evidence that News Ltd and Tatts/Golden Casket value the services provided by Newsagents, adding to the strength of the channel.
The announcement can be Read here