Effective Monday 12th August 2013, Queensland Lottery Agents should enjoy an increase in their commissions from Golden Casket.
The vast array of commissions per game type that has been the case till now, will be replaced with a flat commission of 9.3%, with a service levy of 1.1%. This new Net commission of 8.2% replaces the current lotteries average of only 6.2%.
Shops with higher gambling turnover have registered their average net commission as low as 5%, and some shops serving mostly quick-picks were closer to a low 7% average, so case by case, this commission increase will be a welcome bonus to newsagencies net profit.
For a newsagency buyer, this commission increase can add thousands, to tens of thousands of $$$ to the bottom line; making newsagencies all the more attractive as a business purchase.
Savvy buyers are already targeting newsagencies for sale with high lotto turnover, realising the profit windfall to come.
With the next earliest settlement opportunity late September, now is the perfect time to make an offer and secure your newsagency purchase. Settle in before the lucrative Xmas, Back to School and Valentines trade coming.
Don’t miss your preferred newsagency to someone else, call our Brokers Today