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September 2023 Newsagency Updates

The following newsagencies for sale are updates on our website.

Sunshine Coast ID#5291913, Now asking ONLY $115,000 + stock IF under contract by Oct 15th !
Making over $133k owners profit to 2 working owners with over $110k of staff support.
Strong retailing focus on rising sales in Giftware underpinned by high foot traffic from Lotteries trade. Latest Tatts corporate image installed

Bundaberg ID#7724318, Asking ONLY $285,000 + stock.
Making over $235k owners profit to 2 working owners with over $42k of staff support.
This beautifully presented newsagency includes the latest Golden Casket Digipos corporate image (Install Oct 2023)

For more information on any of these,
1. follow the ID# hyperlink,
2. send us an email from the advertising enquiry button or
3. submit a Confidentiality Agreement if you haven’t already done so.

If you have already completed our Confidentiality Agreement, just email enquire from the advertisement as your original Confidentiality covers all future correspondence and enquiries.