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The Lott own and operate the majority of Lotteries in Australia

Tattersalls in Victoria, Tasmania and Northern Territory

NSW Lotteries in New South Wales and

Golden Casket in Queensland


Golden Casket 2011






The majority of newsagencies are also agents for The Lott. Products include the easily recognised brands of Saturday and Wednesday Gold Lotto, Powerball, OZ Lotto, Casket, Pools and Instant Scratch It’s.

The Lott License agreement is for a period of 5 years, with a performance review each year (normally January) to the end of the fifth year.

Golden Casket announced (2/8/2010) that all Casket agents in QLD are required to install the new 2010 Tatts Lotteries Generation One Retail Image between June 2013 to November 2018 depending on the original date of installation of the 1997 Retail Image. Cost of installation upgrade will vary shop by shop.  The retail Image upgrade is also required in NSW with progressive installation deadlines up to 2025.  The Digipos Screen(s) & associated transmission hardware required as part of the image, are provided by Tatts at their expense, for installation at the agents expense.

The Lott require submission of 2 years of past P&L Statements for the business and a Cashflow Analysis & a Business Plan outlining an analysis of the business, goals and specific strategies which will be utilized in order to achieve these goals.

The Lott also require attendance at a Face to Face interview at their head office for all buyers on the Contract, which may at the discretion of The Lott, include an English Test.

Submission documents take a minimum of 4 weeks to process by The Lott; and will take a bit of time to put together. If you have never created a business plan, your accountant should be able to assist; or your newsagency specialist broker can provide guidelines. 

The Lott have various training fees & application charges for incoming agents, which are detailed in our Costs Summary, available to all buyers who have completed a Confidentiality Agreement with Newsagencies For Sale

UPDATE AUGUST 2013 !  Golden Casket have implemented the change from varied commission rates to a fixed flat commission rate, along with some other structural changes. This proposal had been negotiated with the Lottery Agents Association of Qld (LAQ). This very welcomed announcement can be read here.

UPDATE FEBRUARY 2014 !  Golden Casket have conceded to a lesser degree of works for the image upgrade. This has produced costs savings, and the announcement can be read here.

UPDATE JUNE 2015 !  Golden Casket have put their June 2015 retail image upgrade on hold until December 2015, with an intended introduction of new Digital Screens within the image. More detail to come.

UPDATE JULY 2015 !  Golden Casket have introduced new fees for incoming agents, effective for contracts from 1st October 2015. Buyers are taking advantage and going to contract early, so don’t miss your preferred opportunity to someone else. The announcement can be read here

UPDATE AUGUST 2019 ! The Lott have changed their remuneration package, increasing fees charged against lottery sales, but giving the agent an opportunity to decrease those fees by staying over 95% compliant during regular site audits and complying to ongoing procedure and news updates. The result is a potential increase in net commission.

Talk to your Specialist Newsagency Broker for updates on these changes.